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Lyhz: Crafting Authenticity Through Life’s “Temporary” Moments



Lyhz is a rising star in Toronto’s music scene, bringing a blend of old-school R&B and rawness to her upcoming and second single, “Temporary” out May 3rd . Born from her experiences navigating contract work, the track reflects the human nature of life’s passages, yet offers a message of resilience and hope, whether it is about one’s career, relationships, or anything else that makes us who we are.

“I need to be going through something to be inspired. I like telling a story, I would consider myself a storyteller. And I use storytelling as a medium through my music… With “Temporary” it was actually about my experience working in a lot of contract positions, as I was getting my foot in the door in the media industry. And I think that just the discouragement of the constant hellos and goodbyes, and starting one job and then ending it because, you know, my contract expired was what inspired the song. I’m really writing from a place of hope that other people who experienced the same thing can relate, and maybe there’s a positive resolution at the end of it.”

Lyhz’s musical journey began in Toronto’s music scene, where she immersed herself in various music programs. From the supportive environment of RBC Launchpad to the community fostered by Manifesto, she found mentors and collaborators who played a big role in shaping her artistry and industry knowledge which led her to drop her first single “Enough”  in 2022. Inspired from the city’s mixed sound, Lyhz’s music is gracefully authentic, soulful, and very real. 

“There’s so many different layers to the sounds that are in Toronto. And I like how it’s so diverse. It’s not like there’s just one Toronto sound, it is a multitude of things. I think that’s really amazing.”

For Lyhz, creating the visual for “Temporary” was a thrilling journey. She teamed up with talented director Parnika Raj – whose experience with well-known filmmakers brought expertise to the project – and videographer Xavier Samuels. Inspired by early 2000s TV, Lyhz’s vision came to life:

“The whole concept was based on my favorite era of television and movies, which was more like early 2000s – Sex in the City, The Devil Wears Prada – so we actually shot the video in New York. And OMG, that day it rained, and it was terrible, but we did get the shots. So yeah, that was really fun; bringing that together and bringing that to life as a visual that I have for the single.”

Looking forward, Lyhz is gearing up to drop an EP that’s all about spreading love and good vibes, steering clear of the usual heartbreak tunes you hear in R&B. She says something wholesome is on the way:

“I don’t want it to be necessarily about heartbreak and disappointment. I feel like my last few songs have been introspective, they’ve been reflecting of the disappointments and discouragements that I’ve had. In this case, I do want it to be more on a happy note, and maybe shedding a light on things that we do love, like the amazing things about falling in love.”

As “Temporary” hits the airwaves, Lyhz stands out as a genuine voice in today’s music scene. Her soulful singing and heartfelt lyrics invite listeners to take a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Through her sound, she creates a space where vulnerability and strength come together, reminding us all that even in life’s fleeting moments, there’s something beautiful to be found. 

You can listen to “Temporary” here.


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