“Everyone from Toronto sounds the same”
“Everything is dark and depressing”
WizTheMC came to Toronto and felt something different. His story is amazing, and his music is even better.
Wiz was born in Cape Town, South Africa and moved to Germany with his mother and brother when he was 12 years old. In 2017, he took a spontaneous and risky trip to Toronto. He met great people and allowed his dreams to guide him. His STORY is great, and he tells it best.
After deciding to pursue music full time, Wiz has credited Reg Hartt and Toronto for giving him a platform to work on and pursue music.
He released his debut-mixtape “Growing Teeth” on January 31st of this year, releasing the intro song as a single on February 7th.
“The One” by WIztheMc is a pop-hit that reminds me of MilkyChance’s “Stolen Dance”, which took over the world in 2013.
Coincidently, Milky Chance also hails from Germany. Guess it’s Wiz’s turn now.
“The One” is different. Wiz’s singing voice is raspy and light, and although it is reminiscent of Milky Chance’s, it is of much higher energy. “The One” is fun, positive, and groovy. It’s hard not to dance as soon as Hugo’s production comes in.
The One music video.
Wiz is a songwriter through and through;
“I can’t describe the feeling, so I wrote you this song”.
The chorus is catchy and a little corny, the exact recipe for hit pop-song – the kind I used to be afraid to share with my friends. That being said, Wiz doesn’t let the bass-licks and snappy drums of the beat deter him from getting his raps off. WizTheMc is a pop-star, ready to rap with the best of them.
He catches flows that even the “hardest” hiphop-heads would appreciate.
Wiz switches between pop singing and high energy rapping seamlessly, making it super easy for us listeners to bop. This is the first time I’ve heard of Wiz, and I’m very excited to hear more. The more fun, the better.
Some of our favourites off his “Growing Teeth” mixtape are listed below:
One Problem
Take Me
Dope stuff Wiz.
Listen to WizTheMc’s “Growing Teeth” below.